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Why is your branding so important?

Branding is everything to a business, it’s a first impression and a glimpse of what people expect from dealing with you. They say that your branding is more than just a logo and that’s completely right in our opinion! It’s how your entire company presents itself – it’s more of an experience for the customer and making sure it’s a good experience is essential!

To clearly understand the value of a strong brand you only have to look at some of best out there – we’re talking Coca Cola, Apple and Amazon. These companies could partially base their success solely on their strong brand, though it may not have always been the case.

Companies that recognise their branding isn’t the best but decide to do something about it often experience a catapult to success. Changing your brand style could incur some costs short-term, but what you should really be thinking about is the long-term returns and benefits.

View Our Branding Work Let's Talk

These are some of the brands we’ve worked on in the past. You can view the portfolio pieces here (ordered from first to last): Clean Plate, Hubtex Australia, Collective Intelligence, Harper Sports Management and App2Vid.

What are the benefits of good branding?

First Impressions

First impressions mean everything when you have a crowded marketplace! If a customer doesn’t have a good first experience they wouldn’t have to travel far to go somewhere else. Your company has core values and goals and representing them within your brand gives people an idea about your business.

Brand Loyalty

If you have great branding and provide a great service or product then why would people want to go anywhere else? If you’re confident in the service or product you provide but have poor branding then you could be missing a trick or two. Put a face to the company and people will start linking their good experience with your organisation.

One Cohesive Brand

Everything you produce abides to strict brand guidelines making sure it’s consistent throughout. This creates a defining style that people will come to recognise as yours. This could range from colours, shapes, fonts or design choices used.

Brand Recognition

Bad design is everywhere so beating the masses will put you at the top of the pile. Having clear, beautiful and witty decisions in your brand will make people remember you.


Having a positive experience with your company is great but how can this be maximised? You guessed it, great branding of course! People will begin to associate your brand with that positive experience which can be great if you work across multiple sectors such as Amazon.

Business card, letterhead, and branding materials for Collective Intelligence Group showcasing modern design and color palette.

We helped one of our partners Collective Intelligence refresh their brand – you can view the results here.

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Our Portfolio Let's Talk